Category Archives: Ancient Civilizations & Technology
The Mystery of Sahasralinga
Surrounded by lush green forests and located approximately 10 miles from India’s village of Sonda, [...]
Archaeologists Unearth a Medieval Skeleton with a Prosthetic Hand
In an extraordinary archaeological discovery in Freising, Germany, experts have unearthed a medieval skeleton equipped [...]
500,000 Year Old Spark Plug?
While mineral hunting in the mountains of California near Olancha during the winter of 1961, [...]
Vimanas – The Ancient Flying Machines
There are reference to flying machines in the temple carvings and in the ancient writings. [...]
Top 10 Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology
Like a real life Indiana Jones, maverick archeologist David Hatcher Childress has taken many incredible [...]
Spiral ring reveals ancient complex machines
Distinctive spiral patterns carved into a small jade ring show that China was using complex [...]
Prehistoric Moon map unearthed
A map of the Moon 10-times older than anything known before has been found carved [...]
‘Oldest star chart’ found
The oldest image of a star pattern, that of the famous constellation of Orion, has [...]
A Nuclear Catastrophe In Paleoindian Times?
Our research indicates that the entire Great Lakes region (and beyond) was subjected to particle [...]
The Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare – Part 2
VITRIFIED RUINS IN CALIFORNIA’S DEATH VALLEY It seems one local character knew how to find [...]
The Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare – Part 1
Religious texts and geological evidence suggest that several parts of the world have experienced destructive [...]
Chocolate’s Frothy Past
Humans’ love affair with chocolate began far earlier than previously thought. US scientists have discovered [...]
Chinese Made First Use Of Diamond
Stone age craftsmen in China were polishing objects using diamond 2,000 years before anyone else [...]
Ancient Tombs and Shrines Faced Sun and Stars
April 5, 2004By Tariq MalikStaff Writer The sun and stars may have served as critical [...]
Ancient Star Pictures
by Laura Lee Lascaux, France, 17,000 years ago: in star pictures of the Pleiades and [...]
Ancient nuclear blasts and levitating stones of Shivapur
The great ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, contains numerous legends about the powerful force of [...]
Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior
Hagar, Albert D.Atlantic Monthly 15 (Mar. 1865): 308-315. IN the month of March, 1848, Samuel [...]
Ancient India Had Spacecraft Technology
December 16, 2000By The Hindu Staff Reporter TIRUPATI, DEC. 15. ‘India had a treasure trove [...]
India defence looks to ancient text
Indian scientists are turning to an ancient Hindu text in their search for the secrets [...]
Scientists found 91 volcanoes under Antarctica. Here’s what they might do