The Finaeus map was found in the Library of Congress, Washington DC in 1960 by Charles Hapgood. It was drawn by Oronteus Finaeus in 1531.
As with the Piri Reis map, Antarctica is shown to be ice free with flowing rivers, drainage patterns and clean coastline. – Phillipe Bauche was an 18th century Geographer in France and published yet another map of Antarctica in 1737, well before the continent was discovered. And again, it shows the land with no ice on it and accurate topography which was only mapped in 1958 when the first seismic survey was done. As shown on this map, it was discovered that under the existing mile of ice a waterway was found dividing Antarctica into two land-masses.
The Bauche map 1737 Phillipe Bauche was an 18th century Geographer in France and published yet another map of Antarctica in 1737, well before the continent was discovered. And again, it shows the land with no ice on it and accurate topography which was only mapped in 1958 when the first seismic survey was done. As shown on this map, it was discovered that under the existing mile of ice a waterway was found dividing Antarctica into two land-masses. Even orthodox geologists believe the last time this ice-free condition existed was millions of years ago.
An early 19th century map showing a void where Antarctica is – because it wasn’t discovered until 1818. However it’s absurd to consider that the knuckle dragging hominids which were scattered on Earth back then were capable of mapping at that time.
So how did this happen to be recorded in not one but at least four maps? Either our “known” history of human beings on this planet is wrong, our ‘history’ of our planet’s development is wrong, there were highly developed civilizations on Earth that we are ignroing because it doesn’t fit into the established “norm” or the ancient maps that predated these and were used as reference were done by alien cartographers or someone – drawing our planet from the air.
Another tidbit of proof is the Ross sea. Today huge glaciers feed into it, making it a floating ice shelf hundreds of feet thick. Yet this map and the Reis map show estuaries and rivers at the site.
In 1949 coring was done to take samples of the ice and sediment at the bottom of the Ross Sea. They clearly showed several layers of statification, meaning the area went through several environmental changes.